Parental/Guardian Waiver I, the undersigned parent/guardian of the registrant, a minor, agree that the registrant will abide by the rules of the league and affiliated organizations. The undersigned acknowledges that in consideration of the minor being allowed to participate in beep baseball activities held by the National Beep Baseball Association (NBBA), the undersigned hereby agrees, on behalf of the minor, the undersigned and his or her heirs, legal representatives, guests, and invitees, that: 1) The undersigned hereby accepts and assumes any and all risks resulting from attendance and participation of the minor in such activities and any injuries which occur from such activities or presence at facilities which such activities take place; 2) The undersigned hereby further acknowledges and recognizes that beep baseball activities may be dangerous and may possibly result in injury and assume this risk on behalf of the minor; 3) The undersigned hereby releases the National Beep Baseball Association (NBBA) from any and all liability, fines, or other matters arising from such beep baseball activities or presence at such beep baseball facilities; 4) The undersigned hereby grants the NBBA the right to take and/or use photographs of the undersigned and/or my minor in connection with beep baseball activities conducted by the National Beep Baseball Association (NBBA). The undersigned further authorizes the National Beep Baseball Association (NBBA), its assigns and transferees to copyright, use and publish the same in print and/or electronically for purposes associated solely with the National Beep Baseball Association (NBBA). 5) The undersigned hereby agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the National Beep Baseball Association (NBBA) from any and all claims, demands, expenses and liability, whether for personal injury, death, damage, or otherwise to the minor or the undersigned and which in any way arises due to the beep baseball activities or presence at the beep baseball facilities. Name of MinorName of Parent/GuardianParent/Guardian E-Mail Address*Parent/Guardian Complete Mailing Address*Your Team*Select a team...Atlanta ChaosAustin BlackhawksBayou City HeatBCS OutlawsBoston RenegadesBoston StrongBraille Bandits of Palm Beach CountyBSO Philly FireCaguas HuntersChicago CometsCleveland ScrappersDynamic DivasGateway ArchersHouston HurricanesIndy EdgeIndy ThunderIowa ReapersLonestar RoadrunnersMinnesota MillersNew Jersey LightningNew Jersey TitansNew York BombersOklahoma LookoutsSGV PanthersSirensSouthwest BombshellsStockton StingraysTaiwan HomerunTyler TigersUnaffiliated NBBA Team* I acknowledge (a) that I have read (or have had read to me) each and every one of the provisions in this waiver, release of liability and indemnification agreement, (b) that I understand each of the provisions in this agreement and (c) that I agree to abide by each item and the entire document/form and (d) I affirm by checking this box, as it is listed below, that legally have authorized my child (listed minor) to take part in the NBBA World Series and the date this form is submitted to the NBBA Secretary will be noted, by the Secretary as received. Today's Date*MonthMonth123456789101112DayDay12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031YearYear20262025202420232022202120202019201820172016201520142013201220112010200920082007200620052004200320022001200019991998199719961995199419931992199119901989198819871986198519841983198219811980197919781977197619751974197319721971197019691968196719661965196419631962196119601959195819571956195519541953195219511950194919481947194619451944194319421941194019391938193719361935193419331932193119301929192819271926192519241923192219211920 Δ