Register for the 2024 Kids of Our League Clinic!

We’re excited to share the game of beep baseball with Missouri this July!
This year, kids will have the chance to learn batting, baserunning and fielding on an accessible baseball field. Beep baseball is the adapted version of America’s favorite pastime – made for blind and visually impaired athletes everywhere. We want your child to step into the batter’s box and experience the excitement and energy that’s captivated visually impaired athletes for over 40 years.
- WHAT: An up-close demo of the exciting sport of beep baseball for kids, parents and blindness professionals across Missouri.
- WHEN: Monday, July 22, 2024 from 5-6 PM
- WHERE: SLYSA (St. Louis Youth Soccer Association) Complex, 3901 Huster Road, St. Charles MO 63301
- WHO: Youth, ages 6-14 / Parents and family members with blind and visually impaired youth / Professionals working with blind and visually impaired youth (teachers, adaptive sport and physical education specialists, counselors, etc)
- RSVP: See the form below
Please use the form below to provide details about yourself and your child. We’ll send you more information your way as soon as possible!
Interested in helping during the event?
Already attending the World Series and want to help during the event? Send email to and let us know you’ll be there. We’re excited to show off this sport with your help!