
An organization committed to fostering competition and camaraderie through the game of beep baseball for the blind and visually impaired.
History of Beep Baseball
There are two conventional ways to enjoy baseball: As a fan or as a player. Only a small percentage of players actually make it into the major leagues. But thousands of people, at varying degrees of success and levels, joyously charge out to their positions on fields and sand lots to the cry of “play ball.” Nearly forty years ago that privilege was not an option for persons who lacked sufficient vision to play the game. For those persons, regardless of their desire and potential skill, had no option to be involved in baseball other than as a fan. Read more on the history of beep baseball.
Hall of Fame
There is no greater thrill in sports than winning and the feeling of the cost of that achievement. The Hall of Fame commemorates the people who worked hard to achieve and to help others achieve in the sport of Beep Baseball. The collection of people represented by our Hall of Fame are some of the most important individuals to participate in the sport of Beep Baseball. View the NBBA Hall of Fame